Keith Johnstone has passed. His work has shaped the course of my life, and I would wager I'm not alone in that. I celebrate and am so grateful for his long life spent giving the world of improvisation his wisdom, his guidance, and his gifts. Moe mai rā and may his memory be a blessing.
From the page Keith Johnstone: A Critical Biography on Facebook:
“We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Donald Keith Johnstone, age 90. Keith, as he was known since childhood, was an internationally recognized pioneer of improvisation theatre, co-founder of The Loose Moose Theatre Company, creator of Theatresports, an important playwright, director, and most importantly, a beloved teacher. Keith passed away peacefully at Rockyview Hospital in Calgary, Canada, on Saturday, March 11, 2023. He is survived by his sons Benjamin Johnstone and Dan Vantari and by his grandson Cort Dawnne. Per Keith’s request, a festive “wake” will be held in his honor at a future date. When information is available, it will be posted here:”
I loved what I saw at Fringe, and I absolutely did not see enough thanks to illness (you cannot get away with coughing on stage OR in the audience these days). Huge shout out to Ungartered Territory (Austin Harrison and Megan Connolly) for their nominations for Most Innovative Work and a Tour Ready award.
If you haven’t read it already, please get your eyes on Daniel Allan’s article: The day United Bank gave Theatresports a million dollars.
Starjam is looking for volunteers. “We're a not-for-profit changing the way kiwis view disability by providing a space for disabled rangatahi to make friends, build confidence and performance skills, all through the magic of dance and song!” Sounds perfect for improvisors to support :)
The Applied Improv Network is starting a magazine.
Wellington artists: “Wellington City Council is working on an exciting project to re-imagine an accessible, inclusive arts centre model, and what it might look like for the Wellington arts and creative sector. Toi Pōneke Arts Centre has been a key part of Council’s support for the creative sector in the city. With the current lease term expiring in 2025, and the review of this service as an action item in our Aho Tini Arts, Culture, and Creativity Strategy Action Plan, we have an opportunity to reimagine how a new, future fit-for-purpose space(s) could look and feel, and how it will be operated. We’d love to hear from you, and warmly invite you to attend one of the ‘Re-imagining Toi Pōneke’ Talks & discussion sessions, taking place in some of our city’s fabulous creative spaces during March.”
coming up…
The Big HOO-HAA! Pōneke (Locomotive). 17 March, 8pm at Te Auaha, tix from $24 + booking fees. Part of Summer Laughs, double check which date you’re booking for otherwise you’ll get some equally funny but definitely scripted stand up comedy.
Late Night Knife Fight (Locomotive). 18 March, 8pm at BATS Theatre, tix from $18. Headlined by Mo and Ralph, our winners from way back in November.
Wet Soup Season 2. Starts Thursday 23 March, 8pm at The Pow Wow Room, tix from $15. “Wellington’s favourite experimental comedy group WET SOUP is back to wreak comedy havoc in a show you’ll be telling future generations about.”
Summer Improv (Locomotive and Wellington Comedy). Friday 24 and 31 March, 6:30pm at Te Auaha, tix from $15 + fees. Improv with fun guests, bring your workmates after Friday drinks!
Improv Theatre 101: Learn the Tools (Locomotive). Mondays from 1 May, 7pm at Thistle Hall, registration from $160. Earlybird prices available til 1 April. class led by Jennifer O’Sullivan (that’s me). Tell your improv curious friends!
WIT Tuesdays (Wellington Improv Troupe). 6-8pm, Te Auaha, various teachers. Drop in, koha. Check the most recent newsletter (at the link) for info on this week’s session.
Improv Movement Class (Java Dance). 9-10.30am Tuesdays, Toi Pōneke in the Dance Studio. Join the FB group to stay in the loop.
Help me collate all the upcoming improv and improv-adjacent events and useful news - tell me about yours!
ka kite anō
That’s all for this week; let me know what I missed in the comments, and stay safe and well xx