Phew, my twitter is blowing up with talk about CNZ funding decisions and a call for inquiry from an extremely dog-whistle-y, entitled-boomer-vibe open letter. My contributions to the discourse:
I’ve been extremely fortunate to have received CNZ funding for projects, specifically NZ Improv Fest and touring comedy shows. I’ve also received Creative Communities, (CNZ money distributed by local councils) and each time it is a relief to know you can pay your bills, and pay your people, and focus on the work instead of the bottom line. It does suck to miss out - but when you do, hopefully it’s another stoke of the fire within you to say ‘hey, why are we fighting over such paltry amounts to make work that is so valuable to the wellbeing and creativity of our community?’ and to vote/campaign accordingly. In related news, I’m pretty flipping thrilled to see Tory Whanau become Wellington Mayor, both for the arts but also for housing density and climate action.
I’m teaching tonight! I’m very excited! Both my classes this week are reasonably small but I think that will just mean we become a super tight bunch.
Help me profile all the improv companies and ensembles in Pōneke!
Send me your group’s info and you’ll feature in a future post.
coming up this week…
Pudgy Mediocre White Men Solve Your Problems (Austin Harrison and Dylan Hutton). 18-22 October, 8pm at The Dome, BATS Theatre, tix from $15. They won Late Night Knife Fight and honestly, if you know improv, you will enjoy this “improvised self-satire” from two charming and self-aware improv dudes.
Last spruik: My two classes Improv Theatre 101 and Improv Theatre 203 start this week and there’s still space. Join us!
Regular spots: WIT Tuesdays, Java Dance improv jam. Check out earlier issues for more details.
other links and stuff
Sam Brooks has written several useful things about the CNZ funding debacle. He is calm and level headed. Feel free to share with the pearl clutchers in your life.
Hawkes Bay just got a new improv company! Welcome, Flaming Mojo Improvisation Academy.
Help me collate all the upcoming improv and improv-adjacent events and useful news - tell me about yours! Deadline is Saturday, I put this together on Sunday.
let’s talk…
I already started my rant earlier but: if you could fund anything specific in the improv world, what would it be? Shows? Classes? Outreach? A venue?