Sorry, end of September - I’m getting my butt kicked by illness after illness. No proper round up this week. Please, if there’s things going on, share them in the comments!
I can say that I’ve been programmed to teach/direct/perform at Brisbane Improv Festival which I am very excited about, and look forward to having the energy to talk about it. Um what else is on? My musical improv workshop has been condensed - no workshop this evening and we will have two 3-hour workshops instead of three 2-hour ones. Which means there’s still time to sign up if you’re keen!
Okay I’m going back to bed. Stay safe, folks.
When I’m not sick I profile companies…
Help me profile all the improv companies and ensembles in Pōneke!
Send me your group’s info and you’ll feature in a future post.
And share events and links…
Help me collate all the upcoming improv and improv-adjacent events and useful news - tell me about yours! Deadline is Saturday, I put this together on Sunday.
let’s talk…
What’s going on this week? Tell me the news!